The Green My Way Project aims to create a Circular Economy Observatory to raise awareness and create more opportunities for young people in the field of circular economy, increasing their participation in local initiatives and taking an active role in their communities
Execution Period: 01/2021 to 12/2021 (ongoing)
The Green My Way Project aims to create a Circular Economy Observatory to raise awareness and create more opportunities for young people in the domain of circular economy, increasing their participation in local initiatives and taking an active role in their communities.
Understanding Cohesion Policy, in particular in the circular economy, will encourage young citizens to develop “circular economy thinking” and to have active and meaningful civic, economic, social and political participation in society.
The project thus intends to be an aggregator of entities, from the most diverse sectors of activity of the circular economy, namely public and private companies, business associations, R&D centers, educational institutions, local authorities and other organizations of an associative nature, of the North Region of Portugal.
Project Coordinator:
DG Regio Call /EC